"Our Mission: We, the El Dorado Hills Fire Department, exist to serve and protect the Community through emergency management."

El Dorado Hills Firefighters' Association

El Dorado Hills Firefighters' Association supports the El Dorado Hills Fire Department in their endeavor to provide their community and fire district with fire protection, fire prevention, and emergency medical service, and training, as well as funding to carry out those respedhfa_mainonsibilities through paid and volunteer effort.

John Knight, President
Jeff Genovese, Vice President
James Davidson, Treasurer
Rob Austerman, Secretary
____________, Sergeant at Arms

EDHFA High School Scholarships

Process for the 2021 Year:

Applications for eligible candidates can be printed below.  You may obtain a hard copy of the application from the El Dorado Hills Fire Department or through the Counselors at Oak Ridge High School and Ponderosa High School.

Scholarship information regarding eligibility is attached in the policy below.  Any other questions can be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at (916) 933-6623, ext. 1010. Applications must be received by the El Dorado Hills Firefighters' Association, 1050 Wilson Boulevard, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762, no later than Friday, March 19, 2021 at 4:00 p.m (no postmarks, no exceptions).  Selected semi-finalists will be invited to an interview panel.

In addition to the application, each candidate must provide a one page essay describing a time in their life that has shaped who they are as a person.

doc2021 EDHFA Scholarship Application
pdf2021 EDHFA Scholarship Details
pdfScholarship Policy