“I received a Notice to Abate. What do I do now?”
If you received a notice to abate, you are required to remove or cut to a maximum height of two inches any dry grass, weeds, stubble, brush, litter, or other flammable materials within 100’ of a combustible source which endangers public safety by creating a fire hazard. This includes the removal of tree limbs to a height of six feet above the ground level. All brush or woody vegetation debris shall be chipped or removed from the property. Any non-vegetative debris (i.e., construction materials) shall be removed from the property. Refer to “Unimproved Property Hazard Abatement Standard” for details.
“What if I received a Notice to Abate but no longer own the property?”
If you receive a notice and you do not own the property listed, please contact Vegetation Management/Defensible Space at 916-933-6623 x1044. Property owner information is provided to the El Dorado Hills Fire Department by the El Dorado County Assessor’s Office and notices are sent to the Owner on Record listed on the last county assessment roll.
“What are acceptable methods of abatement?”
Disking: The discs shall be set at an angle sufficient to cut the sod loose and adequately bury the growth of weeds, grass, or noxious vegetation existing at the time. Disking shall include rototilling or cultivating. Disking shall be done each time the growth exceeds six (6) inches in height.
Scraping: Area shall be scraped clear, and all debris shall be removed from the required clear area.
Mowing: Height of vegetation shall not exceed two inches at completion. Mowing shall be done each time growth exceeds six (6) inches in height. Mowing shall include hand-operated weedeaters, flail, and rotary mowers.
“Can’t I just spray the weeds?”
Spraying of herbicides and a pre-emergent shall not be considered an acceptable method of weed abatement. If sprays or a pre-emergent are utilized prior to growth of vegetation and successfully prevents growth of vegetation, then this will be an acceptable method of abatement. Any time growth of vegetation exceeds six (6) inches height, it shall be removed by another acceptable method of abatement.
“I want to abate the weeds on my property. Can I do it myself or can I hire someone for this type of work?”
As long as the abatement is completed by the deadline, any property owner can clear their own property. We maintain a listing of weed abatement contractors in the area who perform various types of abatement work. Although we cannot recommend any particular contractor, this list is made available to the public as a resource. You can also look in the yellow pages under Weed Control, Weed Abatement, and/or Landscaping Services.
“I cut my weeds before the deadline and my property is clean, so why did I still receive a Notice?”
Property owners must maintain their property throughout the year. If a property is cut prior to the deadline, and the growth returns prior to an inspection, then the property can be found in violation. Property owners should inspect their properties on a regular basis to check for regrowth, or any new problems such as dead trees, or items dumped on the property without permission. Also verify there is 100’ clearance to any combustible source ie: wood fences, sheds, out buildings, decks and homes.
“I cleared my property earlier in the year, but it rained and grew back. Do I have to clean the property again?”
Yes. Weed abatement is not always a one-time event. A second abatement may be necessary; it is the property owner’s responsibility to maintain abatement throughout the year.
“I never received a Notice to Abate weeds on my property. Can I still be penalized?”
Yes. Please keep in mind that it is your responsibility as the property owner to maintain your property at all times. Notices issued during the annual Weed Abatement Program serve as courtesy notices.
“When will my property be inspected?”
First notices are mailed to property owners in early April each year. Inspections begin on the first deadline listed in the first Notice to Abate. There’s no pre-set schedule for the inspection of any particular parcel.
“How will I know when my property has been cleared?”
All properties requiring abatement will be listed in our online active database and will be updated every 24 hours. You will need your parcel number to verify your property is cleared.