"Our Mission: We, the El Dorado Hills Fire Department, exist to serve and protect the Community through emergency management."
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About Us

The Human Resources Division is dedicated to exceeding the expectations of both our internal and external customers by working collaboratively to implement innovative solutions.

One of the greatest benefits in working for the El Dorado Hills Fire Department is the opportunity to make a difference in our community and to see the impact that we, as an organization, have on both individuals and on our community as a whole. We improve the quality of life in our region and, in doing so, improve our own lives on a daily basis.

Human Resources supports the Department and employees by providing a full range of services including:

• Recruitment and Selection
• Employee and Labor Relations
• Health Plan Administration
• Workers' Compensation
• Leave of Absences
• Compensation and Classification
• Job Analysis
• Risk Management
• Employee Training and Development
• Department Policies and Procedures
• Promotional Exams
• Employee Records Maintenance

El Dorado Hills Fire Department is an Equal Opportunity Employer.



Cora Hall
Director of Human Resources
1050 Wilson Blvd., El Dorado Hills, CA. 95762
Phone: (916) 933-6623
Fax: (916) 848-0567
Hours of Operation: Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

FOLLOW US on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube and LinkedIn to stay informed about incidents, local news, safety messages, events and more!


Government Code Section 87200 identifies El Dorado Hills County Water Distric Board of Directors and requires they file Statements of Economic Interests (Form 700) with El Dorado County Elections Department.  For Form 700s, please contact El Dorado County Elections.

Government Code Section 87200 filers include:

  • Bobbi Bennett, Board of Director - President
  • John Giraudo, Board of Director - Vice President
  • Jim Hartley, Board of Director
  • Greg Durante, Board of Director
  • Tim White, Board of Director

Conflict of Interest Code Resolution 2020-17 adopted by the Board of Directors states the following will file form 700:

  • Fire Chief
  • Deputy Chief
  • Deputy Chief
  • Director of Finance
  • Director of Human Resources
  • Special Projects
  • Battalion Chief
  • Battalion Chief
  • Battalion Chief


The Foundation’s purpose is to provide funding for scholarships, community safety programs, and short-term financial support to safety personnel and their families during a time of need.

Russ Hasemeier, President
______________ Vice President
Brenton Warren, Treasurer
______________, Secretary

Members at Large:

Brian Veerkamp, Jeff Genovese

The current mechanisms for funding the below programs are donations from the El Dorado Hills Firefighters Association (EDHFA), the El Dorado Hills Associated Firefighters (EDHAF), the El Dorado Hills Fire Department’s (EDHFD) Administration Staff (Staff), and other community organizations and personal donations.

1. Scholarship Funding
This fund is for providing scholarships to immediate child dependants of the
Association seeking post-high school education and other scholarship programs that the Board deems necessary which shall include the current scholarships awarded within the EDHFD.  Click here for qualifications.  The application is below.

2. Community Safety Fund
This Fund is designed to provide financial support for community safety-related issues. The Fund may provide support to but is not limited to, smoke detectors, carbon monoxide monitors, air sampling equipment, fire-safe material and equipment, fire prevention material and equipment, portable medical equipment or as certified by the Foundation’s Board of Directors to be an appropriate use of the community safety fund. Click here for qualifications.  The application is below.

3. Benevolent Funding
This Fund is designed to provide prompt, short-term, financial assistance to Association members, member’s spouses, or member’s immediate child dependents, and or other safety personnel that may be unprotected or under-protected from a personal catastrophe due to injury, illness, and death or, as otherwise certified by the Foundation’s Board to be an appropriate use of the Benevolent Fund.  Click here for qualifications.  The application is below.

4. Discretionary Funding
The Board of Directors may also approve other discretionary funding as long as it directly benefits the community of El Dorado Hills and/or the County of El Dorado. The Board of Directors may also approve funds to other 501(c) (3) Organizations. Examples of this type of funding may include but is not limited to local parks, ball fields, Toys for Tots, and community projects.  The application is below.

 Applications for Funding:
pdfBenevolent Application
pdfCommunity Safety Application
pdfDiscretionary Application
pdfScholarship Application


Click to view EDHFD News, current Board Meeting Agenda or Committee Meeting Agenda...