"Our Mission: We, the El Dorado Hills Fire Department, exist to serve and protect the Community through emergency management."
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Public Services

Merged photosEDHFire will conduct monthly training sessions to help CERT members maintain their skills but there is also great training for members online as well. Below are some helpful links to assist with your continuing education.

Incident Command System

Supplement your CERT organization curriculum with ICS training directly from FEMA. These trainings will give you a greater understanding of how to utilize CERT organizational principles in your team and how you fit into the emergency response system locally and nationwide.

  • IS 100, Introduction to the Incident Command System, introduces the Incident Command System (ICS) and provides the foundation for higher level ICS training. This course describes the history, features and principles, and organizational structure of the Incident Command System. It also explains the relationship between ICS and the National Incident Management System (NIMS). Online training at FEMA: IS 100c Introduction to Incident Command System
  • IS 200 is designed to enable personnel to operate efficiently during an incident or event within the Incident Command System (ICS). ICS-200 provides training on and resources for personnel who are likely to assume a supervisory position within the ICS. Online training at FEMA: IS 200c ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents
  • IS 700 course introduces and overviews the National Incident Management System (NIMS). NIMS provides a consistent nationwide template to enable all government, private-sector, and nongovernmental organizations to work together during domestic incidents. Online training at FEMA: IS 700b NIMS an Introduction


Incident Command System Table Top Exercise

This class explores Incident Command System principles through participation in a table top exercise. Teams will simulate a command center managing information after a disaster event. The exercise is a timed event (60 mins) after which there will be a review and discussion of decisions made and concepts implemented.

Red Cross Shelter Operations

Practice the knowledge and skills needed to run a successful shelter operation. Learn Red Cross protocols on shelter operations and how to effective perform a volunteer role.

CERT2Are you prepared for large scale emergencies? Are you equipped to help your community when disaster strikes? Get CERT trained and get ready to respond.

EDHFire CERT offers an opportunity to complete Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training. Participants will complete the full 24 hours of CERT training compiled of both didactic and hands-on instruction. Class enrollment is FREE and all are encouraged to apply. You must be 18 years of age or older to enroll. In 2021, we hope to introduce a TeenCERT program so please continue to check for updates.

Participants will be required to take the entire 24-hour curriculum and will receive a certificate of completion.



Level III Class Schedule

Dates/Times - SPRING 2020

Due to current public health emergency conditions associated with the COVID-19 virus, the CERT Level III training course has been CANCELLED and will be rescheduled at a later date.

It is anticipated that this course may be made available later in the Spring should conditions allow. Please continue to check back for additional information on new course dates. Be safe!

Location & Registration

Location: TBD
Register: online registration form


CERT6Level III Course Overview

The CERT Basic Course is delivered in the community by a team of first responders, and other qualified volunteers. The organization and timing of training and meeting varies from program to program. It is often broken up into two to four hour blocks over a series of evenings or weekends.

  • Disaster Preparedness: Addresses hazards specific to the community. Materials cover actions that participants and their families take before, during and after a disaster as well as an overview of CERT and local laws governing volunteers.
  • Fire Suppression: Covers fire chemistry, hazardous materials, fire hazards and fire suppression strategies. However, the thrust of this session is the safe use of fire extinguishers, controlling utilities and extinguishing a small fire.
  • Medical Operations Part I: Participants practice diagnosing and treating airway obstruction, bleeding and shock by using simple triage and rapid treatment techniques.
  • Medical Operations Part II: Covers evaluating patients by doing a head to toe assessment, establishing a medical treatment area and performing basic first aid.
  • Light Search and Rescue Operations: Participants learn about search and rescue planning, size-up, search techniques, rescue techniques and rescuer safety.
  • Psychology and Team Organization: Covers signs and symptoms that might be experienced by the disaster victim and workers, and addresses CERT organization and management.
  • Course Review and Disaster Simulation: Participants review and practice the skills that they have learned during the previous six sessions in a disaster activity.

During each session participants are required to bring safety equipment (gloves, goggles, mask) and disaster supplies (bandages, flashlight, dressings) which will be used during the session. By doing this for each session, participants are building a disaster response kit of items that they will need during a disaster.


Resources & Materials

In our commitment and effort to promote and encourage sustainable policies and practices, all CERT materials can be easily downloaded and printed or viewed online.

CERT Participant Manuals

CERT Core Curriculum Class Presentations

CERT Train-the-Trainer

  • Participant Guide
  • Powerpoint Slides

Continuing Education

FEMA IS-317: Introduction to CERT

"Introduction to Community Emergency Response Teams," IS-317, is an independent study course that serves as an introduction to CERT for those wanting to complete training or as a refresher for current team members. It takes between six and eight hours to complete the course. Those who successfully finish it will receive a certificate of completion.

IS-317 can be taken by anyone interested in CERT. However, to become a CERT volunteer, one must complete the classroom training offered by a local government agency such as the emergency management agency, fire or police department.

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There are Five Community Hubs in El Dorado County. 

Community Hubs are a network of local resource centers with navigators who connect children, families and individuals to supports and services. In El Dorado County, each library is a “Hub” with navigators who can assist all community members across the lifespan, from expectant parents to older adults. Hub services are free.

Multiple ways to connect with Hubs:
• Call or Text 1.833.332.4827
• Get info online at https://www.eldoradocommunityhubs.com/
• Select your Community Hub from the Website and get connected with a local representative.

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The CERT program educates volunteers about disaster preparedness for the hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as first aid, triage implementation, fire safety, light search and rescue, and team organization. CERT offers a consistent, nationwide approach to volunteer training and organization that professional responders can rely on during disaster situations, which allows them to focus on more complex tasks. Once training is completed, an EDHFire CERT member will become an invaluable affiliated volunteer at Public Safety agencies along with volunteering within the communities during Smoke Detector Give-aways, Vacant Lot Program, Safety/Prevention Educational events serving as Outreach liaisons and Stand-By First Aid.

The EDHFire CERT Training Includes:

  • What your local risks are and what you need to do to prepare
  • How to manage utilities, hazardous materials, and put out small fires using the appropriate Fire Extinguisher
  • How to use “START Triage” and how to treat the “Three Medical Killers” by: opening airways, controlling bleeding, and treating for shock
  • How to provide basic medical aid
  • How to effectively search for and rescue victims safely during declared disasters
  • How to organize yourself and spontaneous volunteers to be effective as a team and collect disaster intelligence to support first responder efforts
  • Disaster Psychology
  • Terrorism Awareness

For more information or to register for an upcoming training, visit the online registration page or email the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

In an effort to better serve our local homeowners and their insurance agents, we have created this page with frequently asked questions. If you have additional questions that are not listed here, please send in your questions to the Fire Marshal by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the fire department's responding apparatus and pump capacity?
This information can be located on our Apparatus webpage.  For the pump capacity, please click on the apparatus photo.

How close is the nearest fire station to the property address?
You can view the Response Zone Interactive Map to determine which fire station will respond to your property address. Enter in your address in the search tool and zoom out to see what response zone you are in. To find how close that fire station is to your property address, visit Fire Station Location webpage and select the fire station and enter in your property address into the google map.

How close is the nearest fire hydrant to the property address?
This information can be retrieved from EID's Interactive Map. Locate the property address and then use the measurement tool and click on the nearest hydrant to determine the distance from the property.

How do I go about requesting Property Records for open violations and hazardous materials?
Please complete the online request form by following this link.

What is the ISO rating for this property address?
This information can be located on our ISO Rating webpage. If you have further questions, please contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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